"Belief Propagation for Min-Cost Network Flow: Convergence and Correctness."

Gamarnik, David, Devavrat Shah and Yehua Wei. Operations Research Vol. 60, No. 2 (2012): 410-428.

"A Discrete Event Simulation Model for Capacity Planning and Evaluation of Admission Control Policies in Busy Intensive Care Units."

Michael L. McManus, Retsef Levi and David Gamarnik. In 2011 American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, October 2011.

"First-Passage Percolation on a Ladder Graph, and the Path Cost in a VCG Auction."

Flaxman, Abraham, David Gamarnik and Gregory B. Sorkin. Random Structures and Algorithms Vol. 38, No. 3 (2011): 350-364.

"Performance Analyis of Queueing Networks via Robust Optimization."

Bertsimas, Dimitris, David Gamarnik and Alexander Rikun. Operations Research Vol. 59, No. 2 (2011): 455-466. PDF.

"Counting Independent Sets Using the Bethe Approximation."

Chandrasekaran, Venkat, Misha Chertkov, David Gamarnik, Devarat Shah and Jinwoo Shin. SIAM Journal On Discrete Mathematics Vol. 25, No. 2 (2011): 1012-1034.

"A Deterministic Approximation Algorithm for Computing a Permanent of a 0,1 Matrix."

Gamarnik, David and Dmitriy Katz. Journal of Computer and System Sciences Vol. 76, No. 8 (2010): 879-883.

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