"What’s the Point of Moral Outrage?"

Jordan, Jillian J., Paul Bloom, Moshe Hoffman, and David G. Rand. The New York Times, February 26, 2016.

"Third-party Punishment as a Costly Signal of Trustworthiness."

Jordan, Jillian J., Moshe Hoffman, Paul Bloom, and David G. Rand. Nature Vol. 530, (2016): 473-476. Data and Code. Download Paper.

"Intuition, Deliberation, and the Evolution of Cooperation."

Bear, Adam, and David G. Rand. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 113, No. 4 (2016): 936-941. Data and Code. Download Paper.

"Creating Habits of Virtue."

Bear, Adam, and David G. Rand. Policyshop, 2016.

"Hopf Bifurcations in Two-Strategy Delayed Replicator Dynamics."

Wesson, Elizabeth, Richard H. Rand, and David G. Rand. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Vol. 26, No. 1 (2016): 1-13. Download Paper.

"Cooperation Among Humans."

Rand, David G., and Martin A. Nowak. In Global Cooperation and the Human Factor, edited by Dirk Messner and Silke Weinlich, 113-138. London, UK: Routledge Publishing, 2015.

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