"Powering Up with Indirect Reciprocity in a Large-scale Field Experiment."

Yoeli, Erez, Moshe Hoffman, David G. Rand, and Martin A. Nowak. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 110, No. s2 (2013): 10424-429. Download Paper.

"Contagion of Cooperation in Static and Fluid Social Networks."

Jordan, Jillian J., David G. Rand , Samuel Arbesman, James H. Fowler, and Nicholas A. Christakis. PLOS ONE Vol. 8, No. 6 (2013): e66199. Download Paper.

"Information, Irrationality and the Evolution of Trust."

Manapat, Michael L., Martin A.Nowak, and David G.Rand. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol. 90, No. Supplement (2013): S57-S75. Download Paper.

"Reply to ''Intuition and Cooperation Reconsidered'."

Rand, David G., J.D. Greene, and Martin A. Nowak. Nature, June 2013.

"Evolution of Fairness in the One-shot Anonymous Ultimatum Game."

Rand, David G., Corina E. Tarnita, Hisashi Ohtsuki, and Martin A. Nowak. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 110, No. 7 (2013): 2581-2586. Data and code. Download Paper.

"Human Nature Revisited."

Jordan, Jillian J., and David G. Rand. Wired UK Special Edition, January 2013.

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