"CleanStart: Simulating a Clean Energy Startup."

John Sterman, David Miller, and Joe Hsueh. Cambridge, MA: January 2012.

"Fishbanks: A Renewable Resource Management Simulation."

Dennis Meadows, John D. Sterman, and Andrew King. Cambridge, MA: January 2012.

"Platform Wars: Simulating the Battle for Video Game Supremacy."

John D. Sterman, Jekarl Kahn and Cate Reavis. In LearningEdge, Cambridge, MA: December 2011.

"Utilities Need to Cut Trees, Not Costs."

Sterman, John D. Boston Globe, November 2011.

"Communicating Climate Change Risks in a Skeptical World."

Sterman, John D. Climatic Change Vol. 108, No. 4 (2011): 811-826. Access paper through MIT Libraries. Download Preprint from D-Space.

"Dynamics of Shared Capitalism Policies."

Joe C. Hsueh and John D. Sterman. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, edited by George P. Richardson and James M. Lyneis. Albany, NY: July 2011.

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