Problem Formulations and Numerical Analysis in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization.

Graves, Stephen C. and J.F. Shapiro (In Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations I, edited by Anthony V. Fiacco, pp. 131-148). New York, NY: Marcel Dekker Inc, 1982.

"Production/Inventory Systems with a Stochastic Production Rate Under a Continuous Review Policy."

Gavish, Bezazel and Stephen C. Graves. Computers and Operations Research Vol. 8, No. 3 (1981): 169-183.

"A Review of Production Scheduling."

Graves, Stephen C. Operations Research Vol. 29, No. 4 (1981): 646-675.

"The Compensation Method Applied to a One-Product Production Inventory Model."

Graves, Stephen C. and Julian Keilson. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 6, No. 2 (1981): 246-262.

"The Travelling Salesman Problem and Related Problems."

Gavish, Bezalel and Stephen C. Graves, Working Paper. March 1981.

Multistage Lot-Sizing: An Iterative Procedure.

Graves, Stephen C. (In Multi-Level Production/Inventory Systems: Theory and Practice, edited by Leroy B. Schwarz, pp. 95-109). North Holland, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Ltd., 1981.

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