"The Benefits of Re-Evaluating Real-Time Order Fulfillment Decisions."

Xu, Ping Josephine, Russell Allgor and Stephen C. Graves. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 11, No. 2 (2009): 340-355.

Flexibility Principles.

Graves, Stephen C. (In Building Intuition: Insights from Basic Operations Management Models and Principles, edited by Dilip Chhajed and Timothy J. Lowe, pp. 33-49). New York, NY: Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2008.

"Capacity Planning in a General Supply Chain with Multiple Contract Types – Single Period Model."

Huang, Xin and Stephen C. Graves, Working Paper. September 2008.

Little's Law.

Little, John D.C. and Stephen C. Graves (In Building Intuition: Insights from Basic Operations Management Models and Principles, edited by Dilip Chhajed and Timothy J. Lowe, pp. 81-100). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2008.

"A Dual-Channel Vendor-Buyer System with Minimum Purchase Commitment."

Wang, Yexin, Rohit Bhatnagar, and Stephen C. Graves, Working Paper. June 2008.

"Strategic Inventory Placement in Supply Chains: Non-Stationary Demand."

Graves, Stephen C. and Sean P. Willems. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 10, No. 2 (2008): 278-287.

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