Brand Guidelines

Color, Typography, Photography

Brand Colors

Color is an important part of MIT Sloan’s brand identity. Our colors show strength, evoke emotion, and help to build the brand when consistently applied. The MIT Sloan color palette consists of primary and secondary color sets as well as highlight or accent colors. Our recommended approach is to use only one highlight color per application.


Imagery is essential to communicating the spirit, personality, and character of MIT Sloan. Using photos of people rather than buildings shows that our work is about ideas and the people who make them matter. We recommend using original photography and illustration in materials. Are you looking for new photography? The MIT Sloan Office of Communications maintains a Photo Library for use by the MIT community, and includes a mix of community and editorial artwork. 


The selection of typography plays an important role in reinforcing our brand in all communications.

Futura LT Pro is a custom font that builds and differentiates our visual identity.
Uses: print, environmental, digital. Consider Futura LT Pro for high impact headlines and playful type elements. Contact the Office of Communications at to access and download. 

Arial is a standard web font.
Uses: all internal communications, including PowerPoint design. 

Times New Roman is a serif font.
Uses:  body copy. 

Uses: exclusively for website body copy.