Rising Scholars Conference
The MIT Sloan PhD Program is proud to host the fourth annual Rising Scholars Conference. This event will gather diverse PhD students and postdoctoral scholars from across the country to present their research work and interact with faculty from MIT Sloan and other institutions. The conference will be held virtually on October 25 and October 26, 2023. The objectives of the conference are to help rising scholars gain research insights, valuable exposure, and faculty mentorship that will benefit them for years to come. The Rising Scholars Conference originated at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2020 to support doctoral student and faculty diversity.
Agenda and Registration
The agenda for the Rising Scholars Conference is available here, along with information on this year's selecting rising scholars and other conference speakers.
Registration to attend is free and open to all students, pre- and post-doctoral researchers, RAs, and faculty at any college or university. Please complete the registration form here in order to receive the Zoom link for sessions that are open to the public.
Please reach out to the MIT Sloan PhD Program office for assistance by emailing