MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative
Our Team
Tackling global challenges together is what we’re built to do.
In everything we do, we leverage MIT Sloan’s strengths in system dynamics, operations and supply chain, innovation and entrepreneurship, and economics and finance. We work to translate the emerging challenges of global sustainability into emerging opportunities.
Meet the MIT Sloan SI team:
Sophia Governo
RoleProgram Assistant
Jennifer Graham
TitleAssociate Director
Jason Jay
RoleDirector, Senior Lecturer
Krystal Noiseux
RoleAssociate Director, MIT Climate Pathways Project (CPP)
Bethany Patten
RoleDirector, Policy and Engagement / Senior Lecturer
Roberto Rigobon
RoleFaculty Director, Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
John Sterman
RoleCo-faculty Director, Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management,