Press Source: Bloomberg

Tech tycoon Lynch accused by US of masterminding 'massive fraud'

Michael Cusumano expects that Lynch will pin the blame on his CFO and accounting team. "In my experience CEOs are quite aware of these things."

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Ideas Made to Matter Fintech

5 predictions for fintech in 2024


Flywire’s Mohit Kansal on how regulation, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and cross-border payments will impact financial technology.

Mar 26, 2024
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Press Source: Seeking Alpha

The asymmetrical impact of quantitative easing and quantitative tighteni...

The main topic of discussion at the US Monetary Policy Forum was the newly released paper "Quantitative Tightening Around the Globe ..."

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Press Source: MarketWatch

U.S. corporations want a retroactive tax break from Congress that would ...

"The benefits of retroactive provisions go to a lower tax bill, which helps corporate shareholders but does not increase worker productivity."

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Action Learning Artificial Intelligence

Is generative AI creating shareholder value in publicly listed companies?


Bain & Company’s clients want to know how they can use generative AI (GenAI) to add value to their businesses. In order to make recommendations, Bain & Company Partner Jennifer Smith, MBA ’11, and Senior Manager Enrico Innocenti, MBA ’18, needed more information. They enlisted a team of six Prosemin...

Mar 18, 2024
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Press Source: NPR

JPMorgan Chase is the biggest of the big banks. Critics say that poses ...

"There's nothing necessary or essential about the mega banks at the JPMorgan scale."

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Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

Post-pandemic inflation: 7 lessons for monetary policy


A new e-book examines monetary policy responses to the 2021 – 2022 spike in inflation and identifies challenges and lessons for the future.

Mar 11, 2024
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Press Source: Financial Times

The data is in: how QT impacts markets

"QT [quantitative tightening] has worked in the opposite direction to quantitative easing, but the effects are much, much more muted."

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Press Source: MarketWatch

Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and other corporate giants have huge bond hol...

"In essence, corporate giants have become lenders in their own right, running financial institutions within their company walls."

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Ideas Made to Matter Sustainability

Why impact investors are embracing systems change


It’s no longer enough to invest solely in single-point solutions. Here are nine ways impact investors succeed in driving systems-level change.

Mar 4, 2024
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