"Following a "Balanced" Trajectory from an Infeasible Point to an Optimal Linear Programming Solution with a Polynomial-time Algorithm."

Freund, Robert M. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 21, No. 4 (1996): 839-859.

"Interior Point Methods: Current Status and Future Directions."

Freund, Robert M. and Shinji Mizuno. Optima Vol. 51, (1996): 1-9. Working Paper.

"Complexity of an Algorithm for Finding an Approximate Solution of a SemiDefinite Program, with no Regularity Condition."

Freund, Robert M., Working Paper. December 1995.

"A Potential Reduction Algorithm with User-specified Phase I - Phase II Balance, for Solving a Linear Program from an Infeasible Warm Start."

Freund, Robert M. SIAM Journal of Optimization Vol. 5, No. 2 (1995): 247-268.

"Barrier Functions and Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear Programming with Zero, One-, or Two-Sided Bounds on the Variables."

Freund, Robert M., and Michael J. Todd. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 20, No. 2 (1995): 415-440.

"Projective Transformation for Interior-Point Algorithms, and a Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for the W-Center Problem."

Freund, Robert M. Mathematical Programming Vol. 58, No. 1 (1993): 385-414. Working Paper.

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