"Optimal Investment in Product Flexible Manufacturing Capacity."

Fine, Charles H., and Robert M. Freund. Management Science Vol. 36, No. 4 (1990): 449-466. Working Paper.

"Combinatorial Analogs of Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem on a Bounded Polyhedron."

Freund, Robert M. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B Vol. 47, No. 2 (1989): 192-219.

"Projective Transformations for Interior Point Methods, Part I: Basic Theory and Linear Programming."

Freund, Robert M., Working Paper. June 1988.

"Projective Transformations for Interior Point Methods, Part II: Analysis of An Algorithm for finding the Weighted Center of a Polyhedral System."

Freund, Robert M., Working Paper. June 1988.

"An Analog of Karmarkar's Algorithm for Inequality Constrained Linear Programs, with a 'New' Class of Projective Transformations for Centering a Polytope."

Freund, Robert M. Operations Research Letters Vol. 7, No. 1 (1988): 9–13.

"Dual Gauge Programs, with Applications to Quadratic Programming and the Minimum Norm Problem."

Freund, Robert M. Mathematical Programming Vol. 38, No. 1 (1987): 47–68.

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