Ellen Muir


Ellen Muir

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Ellen Muir is an Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Ellen is an economic theorist whose research focuses on studying the behavior of firms with market power. Her work utilizes tools from mechanism design to revisit a number of classic questions in economics, including how powerful firms design and sell their products, procure inputs and hire workers. This approach provides a novel and unifying perspective on optimal pricing by sellers, hiring by firms, regulatory interventions and property rights, and sheds new light on phenomena—such as rationing, involuntary unemployment, and opaque pricing—that may otherwise appear puzzling.

Ellen received her PhD in economics from Stanford University in 2022. Prior to joining Sloan, she was a Prize Fellow in economics, history and politics at Harvard University.  Ellen also holds a PhD in mathematics and statistics from the University of Melbourne, as well as an MSc (mathematics and statistics) and a BSc (mathematics and statistics) from the University of Melbourne.


"Market Power, Randomization and Regulation."

Loertscher, Simon and Ellen V. Muir. International Journal of Industrial Organization: 103081. Forthcoming.

"Optimal Hotelling Auctions."

Loertscher, Simon, and Ellen V. Muir, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7083-24. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2024.

"A Mechanism-design Approach to Property Rights."

Muir, Ellen V. and Piotr Dworczak, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7082-24. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2024.

"Optimal Labor Procurement Under Minimum Wages and Monopsony Power."

Muir, Ellen V. and Simon Loertscher, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7086-21. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, August 2023.

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