Organization Studies
Organization Studies is a multidisciplinary group that brings together the concepts and research methodology of social psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other social sciences. The Organization Studies research group focuses on interactions across individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions, as well as organizational processes themselves. Faculty members—including Deborah Ancona, Kate Kellogg, Erin Kelly, Ray Reagans, and John Carroll—study topics such as distributed leadership, AI in everyday work, social capital, and the future of work.
Research from Organization Studies Faculty
When humans and AI work best together
A combination of AI and humans works best in tasks where humans outperform AI and in those that involve creating content.
FMLA may be weak, but it does help women advance in the workforce
Researchers studied the effects the Family and Medical Leave Act had after its passage in 1993. Here’s where it drove change.
Unmasking the Impostor
A new paper from MIT Sloan assistant professor Basima Tewfik reveals that "impostor syndrome" — or, as it’s more accurately known, the "impostor phenomenon" — is often mischaracterized.
Lumina Advisory Services CEO Talks Making Strategic Career Decisions
During the iLead Speaker Series in November, Ruby Chandy, SB ’82, SM’ 89, discussed her professional journey, her experiences on corporate boards, and her continued engagement with MIT Sloan.
Select Organization Studies Faculty
Standing Faculty

Deborah L. Ancona
Seley Distinguished Professor of Management
Deborah Ancona is the Seley Distinguished Professor of Management, a Professor of Organization Studies, and the Founder of the MIT Leadership Center at the MIT Sloan School of Management.Her pioneering research into how successful teams operate has…
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John S. Carroll
Hear name pronounced.Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus
John Carroll is the Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus and a Professor Post Tenure of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He was also Professor of Engineering Systems until 2015 and served as Co…
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Emilio J. Castilla
NTU Professor of Management
Emilio J. Castilla is the NTU Professor of Management and a Professor of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management.Castilla is currently the co-director of the Institute for Work and Employment Research. He joined the MIT…
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Jared R. Curhan
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management
Jared Curhan is the Gordon Kaufman Professor and a Professor of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management, as well as Faculty Director of MIT’s Behavioral Research Lab.Curhan specializes in the psychology of negotiation and…
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