Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

New narratives and policy for diverse entrepreneurship


To close the opportunity gap in entrepreneurship, policymakers must be honest about who succeeds and why.

Feb 23, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Fintech

Fintech, explained


Fintech — technology for financial services — encompasses lending, payments, investing, insurance, property management, risk assessment, and more.

Feb 4, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

4 steps to funding models for entrepreneurs of color


To build new funding models, start by examining how exclusion was built into the current ones.

Jan 20, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Gender

4 ways to be an ally for female entrepreneurs


Female entrepreneurs don’t need performative allies. They need mentors and money.

Jan 13, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

How banks and investors can back diverse entrepreneurs


Expanding access to capital for women and entrepreneurs of color requires deliberate and concrete action, not optics.

Dec 14, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

How to elevate an inclusive community of entrepreneurs


Access matters as much as capital, so it’s crucial to lift others up along the way.

Nov 23, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter My Idea Made to Matter

A health care CEO on prioritizing exciting ideas


At Vezeeta, Amir Barsoum turns patients into consumers by giving them choice. He uses a three-bucket approach to prioritize ideas and reach his goal.

Nov 10, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

In Boston, a lack of access for minority entrepreneurs


From venture capital to city contracts, opportunity is limited for minority-owned enterprises in Boston.

Oct 26, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

15 MIT startups to watch


The 2020 delta v Demo Day trended toward products for women and digital platforms for more sustainable living.

Sep 21, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

Why restrictive immigration may be bad for U.S. entrepreneurship


A new study finds immigrants are more likely to start a company than their U.S.-born counterparts.

Sep 17, 2020
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