Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

How to draft a letter to a workplace harasser


A well-structured letter starts with facts, incorporates feelings, and concludes with a solution, according to MIT Sloan negotiation expert Mary Rowe.

Mar 8, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Financial Markets

The dark side of stock market circuit breakers


Circuit breakers are meant to calm the markets. But new research shows that they can backfire and create more volatility if not properly designed.

Feb 16, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

MIT Sloan professor named to 2023 Thinkers50 Radar list


The 2023 Thinkers50 Radar list honors David Rand, a professor who researches the spread of misinformation online.

Jan 31, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

Let’s choose collective intelligence over the madness of mobs


Evolution can drive prejudices, MIT Sloan economist Andrew Lo finds. To nurture group wisdom, biases in data sets must be documented and understood.

Jan 26, 2023
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