Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

A checklist for COVID-19 public health messaging


Useful coronavirus public health messages are clear and concise, emphasize the public good, and create the impression that others expect compliance.

May 8, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Communications

For successful self-isolation, internet speed matters


Research finds people with access to high-speed internet can better self-isolate, particularly reinforcing the wealthy’s ability to social distance.

Apr 17, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Productivity

Research proves it: Naps save you money


New research suggests that taking a 30-minute nap during work can increase productivity and prompt more deposits into your savings account.

Apr 13, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Economics

Tallying the full cost of air pollution

A new, large-scale research review catalogs the enormity of the threat.

Feb 3, 2020
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