Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

SEC’s Gary Gensler on how AI is changing finance


Artificial intelligence has the ability to transform finance, but caution is needed, says the SEC chair. Here are four of Gensler’s takeaways.

Oct 12, 2022
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Press Source: Bloomberg | Balance of Power (Video)

Balance of Power

"What the Bank of England has done seems to be the standard central bank playbook, which is what they should be doing … "

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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

MIT Sloan research on finance and investing


As markets churn, ground your investing decisions with insights on mutual funds, options markets, target date funds, fintech, DeFi, and more.

Sep 28, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Innovation

New courses at MIT Sloan include ‘Pursuing happiness’


Before it’s in the boardroom, it’s on the syllabus at MIT Sloan — including a new course on pursuing a meaningful life.

Sep 27, 2022
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Alumni Entrepreneurship

Behind the Scenes at Demo Day


On Friday, September 9, the MIT delta v accelerator returns to Kresge Auditorium for Demo Day 2022.

Sep 7, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

Study finds mutual fund disclosures are unnecessarily complex


Retail investors often make poor choices when selecting mutual funds. Are complex disclosures to blame?

Aug 29, 2022
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Press Source: Forbes

Innovative solutions to cancer require innovative finance: Cancer Moonsh...

"We need the private sector to put in billions to match the hundreds of millions that the government has dedicated to this effort."

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Ideas Made to Matter Digital Economy

5 elements of a successful digital platform


Web3, artificial intelligence, 5G, and blockchain are significant catalysts for change at Fidelity, says president of personal investing Joanna Rotenberg.

Aug 9, 2022
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