Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

Accelerated research about generative AI


Emerging insights suggest road maps, policy recommendations, and calls for action regarding generative artificial intelligence.

Apr 17, 2024
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IWER Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI and Worker Productivity


How does access to a generative AI tool affect work in a call center? That was a research question addressed by MIT Sloan Professor Danielle Li at a recent session of the MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) weekly seminar series.

Apr 16, 2024
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IWER Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI and Worker Voice

Much has been written about the potential impact of generative AI in the workplace, but the perspective of one set of key stakeholders has often been left out: workers themselves. What’s more, research has found that incorporating the perspective of end users such as workers into the development an...

Apr 5, 2024
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IWER Future of Work

Wilmers Named Visiting Scholar at Russell Sage Foundation

MIT Sloan Associate Professor Nathan Wilmers has been named an incoming Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation, a leading foundation supporting social science research. This prestigious ten-month fellowship, which begins in September, is awarded to 15-17 scholars in the social sciences each...

Mar 29, 2024
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IWER Artificial Intelligence

Exploring the Effects of Generative AI on Inequality


While no one can say for sure yet, it’s possible generative AI might reduce the contemporary societal problem of income inequality. That’s one of the conclusions reached by MIT Sloan School Associate Professor Nathan Wilmers in a new analysis.

Mar 29, 2024
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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

New study shows why AI adoption may be slow


In the short term, artificial intelligence systems may be too costly to use for most tasks.

Feb 20, 2024
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IWER Human Resources

The Link Between Worker Voice on the Job and Job Quality


New research finds that measuring the extent to which workers have as much say on the job as they think they deserve is an important aspect of evaluating job quality. In a survey of workers, a larger "voice gap" for workers was statistically associated with their having lower levels of job satisfact...

Feb 13, 2024
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Press Source: The New York Times

A.I. should be a tool, not a curse, for the future of work

The official launch of the "MIT Shaping the Future of Work Initiative" included presentations by Daron Acemoglu and Zeynep Ton.

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IWER Human Resources

IWER Newsletter: Women and Work

The December 2023 issue of the MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) newsletter includes a special focus on women and work.

Dec 21, 2023
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