Ideas Made to Matter Future of Work

How to make ‘work of the future’ work for everyone


Guided by a new social contract, here’s how companies can develop working models that deliver for shareholders, employees, and global communities.

Apr 26, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

‘Impostor thoughts’ may have an upside in the workplace


New research from MIT Sloan refutes the long-held belief that there is nothing good about thinking one is overestimated by colleagues.

Apr 25, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

Why distributed leadership is the future of management


Managing the future of work requires a nimble mindset focusing on small, short-term wins, and a ‘cultivate and coordinate’ approach to leadership.

Apr 19, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

Multiethnic networking, East Asians, and US C-suites

Researcher sheds light on why East Asians are less likely than other ethnicities to attain leadership positions in America.

Mar 28, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Productivity

The case for 'sustainable productivity'


Companies that fail to address the conflict between productivity and employee well-being risk losing employees.

Mar 23, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Cybersecurity

How to build a culture of cybersecurity


Technology and training are not enough to safeguard companies against cybersecurity attacks. Here’s how to infuse safe behavior into corporate culture.

Mar 15, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Knowledge Management

MIT study highlights inequality in worker training


Non-white workers, less educated workers, and those employed on a contract or freelance basis got less job training. The pandemic likely made it worse.

Mar 2, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

4 leadership insights from Stripe’s CFO


CFO Dhivya Suryadevara went from General Motors to the most valuable startup in the U.S. Here's what she learned along the way.

Feb 17, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

The 5 types of entrepreneur: Which one are you?


If you want to take advantage of the different types of entrepreneurial minds in your organization, you first have to know what they are.

Feb 15, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Operations Management

How to manage a hybrid workforce: 4 tips


Acceleration Partners CEO Robert Glazer has led a fully remote workforce for 15 years. Here is his learned wisdom.

Feb 9, 2022
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