Alumni Health Care

Rahul Kulkarni, MBA ’16

Rahul Kulkarni, MBA ’16, joins Christopher Reichert, MOT ’04, on this episode of Sloanies Talking with Sloanies.

Apr 28, 2020
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MIT hackathon to support Africa’s critical needs during pandemic


On May 1-3, 2020, MIT will host the Africa Takes on COVID-19 Challenge. The deadline to apply for participation is Tuesday, April 28, 2020 before midnight.

Apr 27, 2020
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MIT Sloan faculty and students develop COVID-19 data tools


A group of faculty from the MIT Sloan School of Management, working with students in various graduate programs at MIT, has undertaken a wide range of projects to respond to COVID.

Apr 24, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

MIT Sloan research about the coronavirus pandemic

The latest working papers from MIT Sloan faculty about the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

Apr 23, 2020
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Reopening the post-pandemic economy and avoiding Big Brother


“Getting people back to work safely is imperative,” says Prof. Pentland. “Certifying immunity in a way that preserves personal privacy is the first step toward helping people stay safe and healthy."

Apr 20, 2020
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Press Analytics

Models track COVID-19 spread in communities, predict patient outcomes


Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas and nearly two dozen doctoral students are using machine learning and optimization to find answers and generating accurate real-time insight into the pandemic.

Apr 15, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

Confronting coronavirus: Insight from MIT Sloan

Managing in a pandemic requires knowledge and foresight. These articles examine what’s next for the economy, remote work, and an innovative vaccine.

Apr 10, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Health Care

How Moderna is racing to a coronavirus vaccine


Moderna’s CEO explains how the firm fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine development, and how a public-private partnership could make future work even faster.

Apr 3, 2020
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Press Economy

COVID-19 public health interventions may hasten economic recovery


MIT Sloan School Prof. Emil Verner analyzed the economic effects of the 1918 Flu Pandemic and found that public health interventions have no adverse effect on local economic outcomes.

Apr 1, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Operations Management

4 urgent problems telemedicine can solve right now


Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases. Here are four ways telemedicine can remake the triage process to better manage patient flow.

Mar 25, 2020
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