Adam Caruso
LTC Adam Caruso is a US Army Special Forces officer currently assigned as US Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM) Technology Liaison for Boston and the New England region. In his role as the “Tech LNO” to Boston, Adam is USSOCOM’s representative to research, academia, government and industry partners working in the collaborative science and technology and innovation ecosystems. Adam was the first officer selected to serve in this role in 2021, and began the mission of building a technology liaison office to provide a direct connection between technology developers and innovators with the Special Operations Forces enterprise. Adam graduated from Northeastern University and was commissioned as an Infantry officer in 2001. Adam was later selected and qualified as a Special Forces officer and has served for the majority of his career in Special Operations. Notable assignments include tours working in the intersection of Special Operations, technology testing and evaluation, policy development and interagency coordination at the US Department of State, USSOCOM HQs and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.