
Tribute to Mac McQuown, GCFP Board Member

Oct 25 Papers

Papers on Financial Policy by Sloan Colleagues

MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy

Public Policy

“Financial Regulation: What Lies Ahead” #MITSloanExperts Twitter Chat


As the 10-year anniversary of the great financial crisis approaches, Lucas focused on answering what have we learned and whether we have made enough progress to prevent a repeat of something similar. Lucas’ recent research has focused on measuring and accounting for the costs and risks of government financial obligations. Her academic publications cover a wide range of topics including the effect of idiosyncratic risk on asset prices and portfolio choice, dynamic models of corporate finance, financial institutions, monetary economics, and valuation of government guarantees. An expert on federal credit programs, she has testified before Congress on budgeting for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, student loans, and on strategically important financial institutions.

The chat was hosted by Amy Resnick, editor of Pensions & Investments. Resnick asked Lucas questions about the future of financial regulation and housing market finance reform, as well as ideas for fostering stronger ties between the regulatory and the academic communities.