Welcome to the Sloan Family 2023
MIT Sloan Affinity Group Alumni and the LGO URM Alumni Group want to welcome the incoming class of the Africa Business Club (ABC), Black Business Students Association (BBSA), and the Hispanic Business Club (HBC) to MIT Sloan!
This is a hybrid event for both in person and online participation via Zoom.
To start, the MIT Sloan Affinity Group Alumni Council (SAGA), LGO URM Alumni Group (URMAG) and the DEI office will give an overview of groups, initiatives, and events for students & alumni within this calendar year. Next, we will hear from our speakers: Cheryl Stokes, LGO '96, CEO of CNEXT, and Portia Lewis, SB '93, LGO '95, Director of Field Operations Strategy Delivery at Cox Communications. Finally, we will have time for students and alumni to network. All are invited to attend and welcome our new students. Dinner will be provided for in-person attendees.
Featured Speakers

Cheryl Stokes, LGO '96
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Portia Lewis, SB '93, LGO '95
Director, Field Operations Strategy Delivery at Cox Communications
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