Athanasios Orphanides


Athanasios Orphanides

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Athanasios Orphanides is a Professor of the Practice of Global Economics and Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. 

He is also an Honorary Advisor to the Bank of Japan’s Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, a member of the Shadow Open Market Committee, a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Financial Studies, and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability.

His research interests are on central banking, finance, and political economy and he has published extensively on these topics.

Before joining MIT Sloan, he held positions at central banks in the United States and in Europe.  From May 2007 to May 2012, he served a five-year term as Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus and was a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.  Following the creation of the European Systemic Risk Board in 2010, he was elected a member of its first Steering Committee. Earlier, he served as Senior Advisor at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, where he had started his professional career as an economist.  

Athanasios Orphanides obtained undergraduate degrees in mathematics and economics as well as a PhD in economics from MIT.


"Collateral Framework: Liquidity Premia and Multiple Equilibria."

Lengwiler, Yvan, and Athanasios Orphanides. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Forthcoming.

"Monetary Policy in South Africa, 2007–21."

Honohan, Patrick and Athanasios Orphanides, Working Paper. March 2022. WIDER Working Paper 29/2022.

"The Fiscal Dimension of Monetary Policy and Central Bank Autonomy: Lessons from Two Crises."

Orphanides, Athanasios, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6609-22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2022.

"Taming Inflation Scares."

Orphanides, Athanasios and John C. Williams. In Essays in Honor of Marvin Goodfriend: Economist and Central Banker, edited by Alexander L. Wolman and Robert G. King, 217-226. Richmond, VA: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2022.

"The Power of Central Bank Balance Sheets."

Athanasios Orphanides. Discussion Paper No. 2021-E-10. In Monetary and Economic Studies, Tokyo, Japan: November 2021. Download Paper.

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