Chelsea R. Lide


Chelsea R. Lide

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Chelsea Lide is an Assistant Professor of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Her research broadly explores how employees make sense of, and are influenced by, the social environment within organizations. Chelsea’s primary stream of research investigates the causes and consequences of second-order prejudice, defined as our beliefs about another individual’s prejudices. As a complement to this work, Chelsea also examines the phenomenon of prejudice accommodation, providing insight into why people often behave in ways that seemingly conflict with their own personal attitudes, ideologies, or values. 

Chelsea’s research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal. Her dissertation, “Second-Order Prejudice: How Our Beliefs About Others’ Biases Perpetuate Discrimination in Organizations,” was the runner-up in the 2023 INFORMS/Organization Science Best Dissertation Proposal Competition.

Chelsea earned her PhD in Organizational Behavior from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and her BA in Psychology, with a secondary degree in Linguistics, from Harvard College.

Before attending graduate school, Chelsea worked as a program manager at Google, where she led a global candidate experience program to support the company’s diversity hiring efforts.


"Communication Miscalibration: The Price Leaders Pay for Not Sharing Enough."

Flynn, Francis J., and Chelsea R. Lide. Academy of Management Journal Vol. 66, No. 4 (2023): 1102-1122.