Matt Phillips


Matt Phillips

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Matt Phillips is the Silverman (1968) Family Careeer Development Assistant Professor and an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Matt’s research primarily investigates how firms’ informational properties affect commercial lending. He also examines the determinants and consequences of illiquidity in secondary debt markets.

Prior to his academic career, Matt was an auditor at Ernst & Young. He is joining the Accounting group of the Sloan School of Management as an Assistant Professor after receiving his PhD in accounting from the University of Miami. He teaches in the MBA program at MIT Sloan.


"Does Recognition versus Disclosure Affect Debt Contracting? Evidence from SFAS 158."

Donovan, John, Andrew Stephen McMartin, and Matthew A. Phillips. The Accounting Review. Forthcoming. SSRN Version.

"Odd Lots & Optics: Manipulation in Response to Scrutiny."

Charles Downing, Bradford (Lynch) Levy, Matthew A. Phillips, Eric C. So, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7070-24. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, July 2024.

"Originate-to-Distribute Lending Relationships and Market Making in the Secondary Loan Market."

Phillips, Matthew, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6934-23. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2023.

"Lender Learning and the Public Equity Market."

De George, Emmanuel, John Donovan, Matthew A. Phillips, and Regina Wittenberg-Moerman, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6717-22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, January 2023.

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