Alumni Volunteer Opportunities
Our alumni network is vital to attract the best and brightest students to MIT Sloan. The admissions office has several ways for you to get involved. Share your MIT Sloan experience by volunteering.
MIT Sloan Alumni Panel & Networking
The Admissions Office will be hosting virtual alumni networking opportunities. These sessions will last for one hour via Zoom breakout rooms. We encourage you to register for an event for a chance to share your personal stories with prospective applicants.
You can help by:
- Inviting potential applicants interested in business school to attend our online events.
- Advertising our events within your offices, on Facebook/LinkedIn, etc.
- Distributing the alumni invitation to local MIT Sloan alumni or local alumni friends.
- Attending your MIT Sloan Alumni Panel & Networking event to participate in discussions with prospectives.
- Registering here to share your interest with the Admissions Office.
Admitted Student Receptions
Host or attend a virtual reception for admitted students. These receptions are a great way to socialize with fellow alumni and admitted students. They are crucial in helping to showcase the strength of the MIT Sloan alumni community.
Admitted Student Outreach
After applicants are notified of their acceptance, alumni have the opportunity to call admitted students or participate in online chats hosted by the admissions office. These conversations allow the admitted students to ask questions and learn more about the school.
Company Information Sessions
Each year the admissions office hosts company specific presentations for current employees. We invite alumni from the companies to attend to share their perspective on MIT Sloan.
Ask Alumni program
You can share your expertise with those considering MIT Sloan. Through this program, prospective candidates may connect with you to ask questions and hear more about your experience at MIT Sloan.