MBA Course Descriptions
MBA Core Curriculum Courses (required)
Economic Analysis for Business Decisions
This course introduces students to the principles of microeconomic analysis applied to managerial decision-making. Two frameworks are developed to help managers understand their environment and the consequences of their decisions: supply and demand and game theory. Topics include understanding the value proposition of goods and services, pricing, competition between firms, and cooperation between and within firms.
Data, Models, and Decisions
In this class, students learn the basic tools for using data to make informed management decisions. The course covers introductory probability, decision analysis, basic statistics, regression, simulation, linear and nonlinear optimization, and discrete optimization, with examples drawn from marketing, finance, operations management, and other management functions.
Communication for Leaders
Students focus on the writing and speaking skills necessary for a career in management in this course, polishing communication strategies, and methods through discussion, examples, and practice.
Leadership and Personal Effectiveness Coaching acts as a lab component to Communication for Leaders and provides students additional opportunities to hone their communication skills through a variety of in-class exercises. Emphasis is on both individual and team communication.
Organizational Processes
This course provides the tools needed to analyze, manage, and lead the organizations of the future, employing a wide variety of learning tools from experiential learning to discussion of cases. The class emphasizes three complementary perspectives on organizations: the strategic design, political, and cultural “lenses.” The course culminates in a team project.
Financial Accounting
An intensive introduction to the preparation and interpretation of financial information, this class emphasizes the relationship between accounting data and the underlying economic events generating them. Class sessions are a mixture of lectures and case discussion. Assignments include textbook problems, analysis of financial statements, and cases.
Course Electives
Managerial Finance
This course covers the fundamentals of modern financial analysis that are essential to any manager, entrepreneur, investor, or other business professional. This course is organized around three themes: (i) valuing a company, (ii) raising capital, and (iii) managing risk. Topics include personal and corporate investment decisions, startup financing, risk analysis, and an introduction to security analysis and asset management.
Intro to Operations Management
Provides students with concepts, techniques and tools to design, analyze, and improve core operational capabilities, and apply them to a broad range of application domains and industries. Emphasizes the effect of uncertainty in decision-making, as well as the interplay between high-level financial objectives and operational capabilities. Covers topics in production control, risk pooling, quality management, process design, and revenue management. Underscores how these topics are integrated with the different functions of the firm (finance, marketing, etc.). Includes case studies and guest lectures. Simulation games demonstrate central concepts.
Competitive Strategy
This course introduces a wide variety of modern strategy frameworks and methodologies, using cases and readings to explore a range of strategic problems, focusing particularly on the sources of competitive advantage and the interaction between industry structure and organizational capabilities.
Marketing Innovation
Provides you with the ability to use marketing methods to identify new opportunities for innovation, to generate profitable demand, and to excite customers about your products whether they be your firm's or your own ideas. We combine marketing analytics and a deep understanding of the customer to enable you to communicate your product, select media, design your message, and price your product. We combine lectures, cases, and a project to enable you to apply these methods.