MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program

Alumni Volunteer Opportunities

These special admissions events will take place online and will give prospective applicants the opportunity to learn more about the program and life at MIT Sloan. These events will feature an admissions presentation, an alumni panel discussion, and a virtual networking reception. 

If you're looking to engage with the Sloan Community, please fill out following form to sign up for volunteer opportunities with Admissions and to update your contact information with the Alumni Relations Office

Alumni Volunteer opportunities

If you attend a virtual event:

  • Please log-in to the virtual meeting on time. 
  • Introduce yourself to help promote discussion during the reception.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of MIT Sloan:
    • collaborative environment
    • outstanding faculty 
    • action learning experiences
    • diverse student body
    • portfolio of programs at MIT Sloan, etc.

Keep in mind:

  • The alumni panel is made up of alumni who are pre-selected to ensure a diverse representation of backgrounds.
  • If you are asked to be on the panel, we will notify you ahead of time.
  • Events may also be held jointly with other MIT Sloan Master's programs.
  • Comparing MIT Sloan to other schools comes across negatively.

While our alumni panels will be smaller and pre-selected, we encourage alumni to share their personal stories during the networking reception. Prospective applicants who hear your story are more likely to apply to MIT Sloan.

Upcoming Events

There are currently no upcoming events. Please fill out the Alumni Volunteer Opportunities survey to be notified of future events.