Action Learning

Generative AI Lab

In this full-term course, teams of MIT Sloan students will take on semester-long corporate projects related to generative AI.

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Generative AI Lab


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Generative AI Lab

In this full-term course, teams of MIT Sloan students will take on semester-long corporate projects related to generative AI. Projects will include:


  • developing AI prototypes
  • writing strategy memos on the implications of generative AI developments
  • analyzing and assessing deployments of generative AI systems 
  • developing AI usage policies for a marketplace business
  • value-chain analysis and investment memo for VC firm making AI investments 


Generative AI Lab (GenAI-Lab) will leverage industry connections of MIT Sloan research centers (including the Initiative on the Digital Economy, Center for Information Systems Research, and Center for Collective Intelligence) as well as faculty connections to technology companies/investors to create a diverse set of projects from a variety of companies and industries. We will use some class time to discuss a rotating team's issues in depth and technical aspects of business implementations of generative AI, with the rest of class time used for consultation with mentors and rolling office hours. In addition, we will offer lectures and readings drawing on frameworks and material developed in 15.S68 Generative AI for Managers. These include ways of thinking about value creation, risks and benefits, competitive strategy, and job redesign.  

Generative AI Lab


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GenAI-Lab faculty

John J. Horton

John J. Horton

Associate Professor, Information Technology

John Horton is an Associate Professor of Information Technologies at the MIT Sloan School of Management.Horton's research focuses on the intersection of labor economics, market design, and information systems. He is particularly interested in…

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Photo of Michiel Bakker

Michiel Bakker

Research Assistant, MIT Media Lab

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning concept. Abstract technology background.

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