
Double Major: 15-1 Management + Course 14-1 Economics

This roadmap is an ‘MIT student optimized’ guide for structuring your schedule. Course 15 always encourages you to choose courses based upon interest, not by which ever checks off the most boxes. Please read the footnotes for additional options and email ugeducation@sloan.mit.edu or come see us in the Program Office (E52-150 Suite 133) to discuss. 

Updated Fall 2023 [download pdf]
Note: Subjects that fulfill both Course 15 & Course 14 are in bold.

First Year–Fall

  • 14.011
  • 15.276 or 15.279
  • 18.01
  • Science GIR

First Year–Spring

  • 14.021
  • 15.501
  • 18.02
  • Science GIR

Sophomore Year–Fall

  • 14.302
  • 15.301 or 15.312
  • Science GIR
  • HASS1

Sophomore Year–Spring

  • 14.32
  • 15.401/15.4173
  • Science GIR
  • HASS1

Junior Year–Fall

  • 14.04 or 14.12 or 14.15 or 14.16 or 14.19 or 14.261
  • 15-1 Concentration Elective
  • 15-1 Restricted Elective
  • REST Subject6

Junior Year–Spring

  • 14.051
  • Course 14 Elective4
  • 15-1 Concentration Elective
  • Elective(s)7

Senior Year–Fall

  • 14.18 or 14.331
  • Course 14 Elective4
  • 15-1 Concentration Elective6
  • Elective(s)7

Senior Year–Spring

  • 14.THG or Course 14 Elective
  • 15-1 Concentration Elective5
  • Course 14 Elective4
  • Elective(s)7


  1. Students who are15-1 primary major and 14-1 secondary major can choose Economics for their HASS concentration and use up to six of their 14-1 requirements toward the HASS requirement.
  2. 14.30 fulfills the Probability+ Statistics requirement for 15-1 and is required for 14-1.
  3. 15.401/15.417 counts as a15-1 Restricted Elective and toward one of the two Course 15 classes allowed as a Course14 Elective.
  4. Up to two Course 14 courses or other non-Course 15 subjects can also count as15-1 Concentration Electives provided these subjects form an intellectually coherent 15-1 Concentration.
  5. Joint Course 14/15 subjects (15.0201J, 15.037J, and 15.039J) can count as 14-1 Economic Electives and also towards the minimum three Course 15-1 Concentration Electives provided these subjects form an intellectually coherent 15-1 Concentration.
  6. Please note that students can use no more than one subject in their department to fulfill the REST requirement. Depending on the subject and concentration, the second REST subject may count as a Concentration Elective.
  7. Depending on the amount of double counting towards major and GIR requirements, additional units will be needed to accrue the180 units beyond GIRs.