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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program Economics

Transferring Power To People Through Tokenization


When she was an MIT Sloan Fellow, World Bank Technology and Innovation Officer, earned a memorable nickname from MIT Senior Scientist Andrew Lippman. “We were discussing Facebook. My point was that if Facebook can make tons of money selling my data, why can’t I make money off myself? I just want Fac...

Nov 9, 2020
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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program Leadership

Lessons From The Second Law Of Thermodynamics


In the realm of crisis management, few leaders have as venerable a reputation as Thad Allen, SF ’89. Former Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, Allen has been summoned by the country’s leaders to tackle the most formidable challenges of their presidencies. Former President George W. Bush ca...

Nov 9, 2020
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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program Leadership

The Time For Thinking Big Is Now


As our work lives shrink to the size of laptop screens. As our personal lives contract to the size of a room, an apartment, or—if we’re lucky—a house and garden. Even as our minds are narrowed relentlessly to the immediate necessities of day-to-day life, Célestin Monga, SF ’95, says loud and clear t...

Nov 9, 2020
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Master of Finance Finance

Innovating and Staying Active During IAP


MIT Sloan's MFin student, Jack Zelman, reflects on his IAP experience where he participated in the Finance Research Practicum, working on a company-sponsored project.

Jan 30, 2020
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Master of Finance Fintech



MIT Sloan's MFin student, Hugo Castalan, reflects on how his experience in the MFin program led to a decision to pivot from quant research to entrepreneurship.

Oct 30, 2019
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