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Master of Finance Finance

Innovating and Staying Active During IAP


MIT Sloan's MFin student, Jack Zelman, reflects on his IAP experience where he participated in the Finance Research Practicum, working on a company-sponsored project.

Jan 30, 2020
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Master of Finance Fintech



MIT Sloan's MFin student, Hugo Castalan, reflects on how his experience in the MFin program led to a decision to pivot from quant research to entrepreneurship.

Oct 30, 2019
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Master of Finance

A Day in the Life of an MFin Student

Sandro Azzam, MFin '23, takes us throughout his day here at MIT Sloan. Follow along as he attends classes, an MIT Sloan Senate meeting at the Muddy Charles, and chats with other students about their future plans.

May 25, 2022
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Action Learning Finance

Guiding investors to high-impact ESG opportunities


City Builder® by Citi's goal is to provide transparent key metrics that help investors make community development–driven decisions. Citi Ventures turned to five Proseminar in Corporate Finance/Investment Management students for help investigating ways to track ESG data for City Builder's investment ...

Mar 29, 2022
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