Business Analytics Certificate

About the MIT Sloan Business Analytics Certificate

Competency in analytics – the ability to ask the right questions, parse large quantities of structured and unstructured data, translate analytic insights into actions and influence key business decisions – is an essential skill needed to be successful within modern organizations. In response to the growing demand from students to dive deeper into analytics and data science, MIT Sloan launched the Business Analytics Certificate.  

  1. Receive a Certificate in Business Analytics from MIT Sloan indicating your knowledge of analytic fundamentals.
  2. Join a cohort and extended community of passionate and dedicated leaders, with access to alumni at multiple events throughout the year.
  3. Tailor your education to your professional goals.
Open to All Current Graduate Students at MIT

The certificate is currently not available for MIT Undergraduate students and Cross Registered students. If you are not a current student, you can explore other certificate options below:

Certificate Requirements

All students (except for EMBA) must complete two core courses and a minimum of 30 elective units. At least two elective courses must be taken from different academic groups.

EMBA students must complete two core courses and three elective courses. EMBA students should plan to count 15.734 (required for the EMBA program) as one of their three electives.

Please note: A course cannot be counted for both a core and elective. For example, if 15.071 is selected for the core, it cannot also count as an elective. Students may complete up to two Sloan certificates. Students who choose to complete two certificates may have a maximum overlap of two courses between the certificates.

Some courses may not be offered this academic year and/or may experience scheduling or unit changes. Consult the Sloan Course Browser for the most current scheduling information about Sloan subjects (those numbered, and visit the MIT Subject Listing & Schedule for up-to-date information about courses taught in other departments.

Register for the Business Analytics Certificate

Please complete the Business Analytics Certificate Registration Form to confirm your enrollment in the certificate. For more information, please watch this video or visit the certificate page on MySloan.

CORE REQUIREMENT   All students must complete two core classes

—(Complete 1 of the below 4 courses)

Course Title
15.071 OR The Analytics Edge Fall 12 Cr.
15.072 OR Advanced Analytics Edge Fall 12 Cr.
15.727 OR The Analytics Edge (EMBA Only) Spring 9 Cr.
15.774 OR The Analytics of Operations Management Fall 12 Cr.
6.7900 formerly 6.867 Machine Learning Fall 12 Cr.

—AND this course

Course No. Course Title Term Credit
15.773 formerly 15.S04 Hands-On Deep Learning Spring 6 Cr.





All students (except for EMBA) must complete a minimum of 30 elective units from the list below. At least two electives must be from different academic groups. SF MBA students should plan to count 15.778 (required for the SF program) as one of their electives.

EMBA students must complete three elective courses. EMBA students should plan to count 15.734 (required for the EMBA program) as one of their three electives.

* Sloan students should register for Course 15 subject number for courses offered jointly (J) with another MIT department.

—Behavioral Policy Sciences

Course Title
15.236 Global Business of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (GBAIR) Spring 6 Cr.
15.669 Strategies for People Analytics Fall 6 Cr.

—Managerial Communication

Course Title
15.285 Sports Strategy and Analytics Spring 6 Cr.
15.286 Communicating with Data Spring 6 Cr.
15.721 Communication and Persuasion Through Data for Executives (EMBA & SF MBA only) IAP
3 Cr.


Course No. Course Title Term Credit
15.034 Econometrics for Managers: Correlation & Causality in a Big Data World Spring 9 Cr.


Course Title
15.450 OR 15.457 Analytics of Finance OR Advanced Analytics of Finance Spring 12 Cr.
15.456 Financial Engineering Fall 9 Cr.
15.458 Financial Data Science and Computing Fall 9 Cr.
15.481J/6.9350J (Formerly 6.935J) Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior Spring 9 Cr.
15.S08 SSIM: Advanced Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Finance Fall 9 Cr.

—Information Technology

Course Title
15.561 Information Technology Essentials - Foundations of Digitization Fall 9 Cr.
15.572 Analytics Lab: Action Learning Seminar on Analytics, Machine Learning, and the Digital Economy (application required) Fall 9 Cr.
15.S54 Leadership in the Age of Generative Al (EMBA & SF MBA only) IAP
3 Cr.
15.S68 SSIM: Generative AI for Managers Spring 6 Cr.


Course Title
15.622 The Law of AI, Big Data & Social Media Fall 6 Cr.
15.S53 Al, Big Data, and the Law (EMBA & SF MBA only) IAP
3 Cr.


Course Title
15.570 Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics Fall 6 Cr.
15.818 Pricing Fall 6 Cr.
15.819 Marketing and Product Analytics Spring 9 Cr.

—Systems Dynamics

Course Title
15.737 Advanced System Dynamics (EMBA and SF only) IAP
3 Cr.
15.873 System Dynamics for Business and Policy Fall 9 Cr.

—Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

Course Title
Global Ventures Fall 12 Cr.
AI for Impact: Solving Societal-Scale Problems Spring 9 Cr.

—Operations Management

Course Title
15.731 Risk Management (EMBA and SF MBA only) IAP
3 Cr.
15.734 (EMBA only) OR 15.778 (SF MBA only) Introduction to Operations Management Summer 9 Cr.
15.761 Introduction to Operations Management Fall 9 Cr.
Supply Chain Analytics Spring 12 Cr.
Supply Chain: Capacity Analytics - Not Offered in AY 23-24 Spring 6 Cr.
The Theory of Operations Management Spring 12 Cr.
Logistics Systems Fall 12 Cr.
15.774 Analytics of Operations Management Fall 12 Cr.
15.785 OR 15.786 Product Management OR Digital Project Management with Lab Spring 6 Cr.
15.S07 SSIM: Real-time Analytics for Digital Platforms Spring 6 Cr.
SCM.256 Data Science and Machine Learning for Supply Chain Management Spring 12 Cr.

—Operations Research and Statistics

Course Title
Data Mining: Finding the Models and Predictions that Create Value Spring 6 Cr.
15.068 Statistical Consulting Spring 9 Cr.
15.071 OR 15.072 Analytics Edge OR Advanced Analytics Edge Spring 12 Cr.
Statistical Learning and Data science - Not Offered in AY 23-24 Spring 12 Cr.
15.083 Integer Optimization - Not Offered in AY 23-24 Spring 12 Cr.
15.093J formerly 6.255J
Optimization Methods Fall 12 Cr.
Robust Modeling, Optimization & Computation Spring 12 Cr.
15.095 Machine Learning Under an Optimization Lens Fall 12 Cr.
15.729 formerly 15.S56 Leadership: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches (LQ^2) - (EMBA and SF MBA only) IAP
3 Cr.
15.S08 SSIM: Optimization of Energy Systems Spring 12 Cr.
15.S51 SSIM: Innovation Through Analytics and Sensing in Food and Agriculture Systems (EMBA and SF MBA only) IAP
3 Cr.
6.7900 formerly 6.867 Machine Learning Fall 12 Cr.
Machine Learning for Healthcare Spring 12 Cr.
6.8300 Advances in Computer Vision Spring 12 Cr.
6.C51 Modeling with Machine Learning: from Algorithms to Applications Spring 6 Cr.