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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

After shutdown, an examination of the costs and lingering threats


MIT panel talks fiscal, global, and legal consequences of the government’s near-default. When MIT Sloan professor Deborah Lucas scheduled a panel discussion titled “U.S. Fiscal Crisis: Causes and Consequences,” the government was shut down, no compromise seemed imminent, and what the state of affair...

Feb 1, 2014
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Unfunded State and Local Healthcare Benefits, the Elephant in the Room?


Last week Bob Pozen, a Visiting Senior Lecturer here at MIT Sloan with a distinguished background in government, business and education gave an eye-opening lunch talk. The topic was “Other Post-Employment Benefits” or OPEBs—which is accounting jargon for the liabilities governments incur for retiree...

Dec 16, 2014
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Alumni Entrepreneurship

Yishi Zuo, MBA ’18

Yishi Zuo, MBA ’18, joins Christopher Reichert, MOT ’04, on this episode of Sloanies Talking with Sloanies.

Dec 18, 2019
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