
Finance Certificate

The Finance Certificate is an optional certificate program intended for both career-changers and experienced finance professionals. Students who complete the certificate are awarded a certificate in finance in addition to their degree. The Finance Certificate is an integrated program of courses and activities designed to expose students to the institutions and practices of the financial world. It grounds students in the principles of finance theory and in the application of theory to real problems and provide students with an overview of professional opportunities in finance. Interested students can view the full list of Finance Certificate requirements here

A cornerstone of the Finance Certificate is course 15.403, Introduction to the Practice of Finance, a half semester seminar limited to and required of Finance Certificate students. This course consists of faculty presentations, outside speakers, and activities designed to provide an overview of institutions, practices, and professional opportunities in finance, and to facilitate relationships and group learning experiences among certificate students.

Other required courses include 15.401 Managerial Finance and 15.402 Corporate Finance. 

We also offer Action Learning courses; where the primary focus is to solve a current business problem, typically with an external client. Finance Certificate students may take one action learning course to count towards their elective requirement. Pre-approved action learning courses include:

Telis Dimitri Bertsekas | SB'91, MBA'97
"Finance at MIT is a results driven culture. While it's essential to master the theory and technical challenges, we focus on the application of finance to high impact problems around the world."

To complete your certificate requirements, a rich roster of elective offerings allow for specialization in a variety of areas.  There are limitless ways to combine the available Finance Certificate electives to target particular career objectives.  Students have the flexibility to design a unique path tailored to their interests and career goals.  To round out your experience, certificate students are encouraged to participate in at least one career exploration event such as, but not limited to: New York Finance Day, London Banking Days, or the Boston Investment Management Day.  Outside of the classroom, the Finance Certificate offers sponsored seminars, networking opportunities with alumni and practitioners, academic and career advising, and social events throughout your two-year tenure at MIT Sloan.


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