
Finance Seminar

The Finance Seminar meets in *E62-650 on Wednesdays from 11:30 am - 12:45 pm.  Papers are available upon request. Please email Jasae Hinds ( or Amanda Bonaccorso ( with questions.


Fall 2024 Schedule

  • September 4th, 2024

    Sean Myers | Wharton

  • September 11th, 2024

    Itay Goldstein | Wharton

  • September 25th, 2024

    Lars Hansen | University of Chicago

  • October 16th, 2024

    Cecilia Parlatore | NYU Stern

  • October 30th, 2024

    Fatih Guvenen | University of Minnesota

  • November 6th, 2024

    Andrea Eisfeldt | UCLA Anderson – Joint seminar with HBS

  • November 13th, 2024

    Fahad Saleh | Sloan, University of Florida

  • November 20th, 2024

    Josh Rauh | Stanford

  • December 4th, 2024

    Sasha Indarte | Wharton

Finance Events

There are currently no upcoming events scheduled. Please check back often!





Finance PhD Workshop