Arnoldo Hax


Arnoldo Hax

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MIT Sloan regrets the passing of Professor Emeritus Arnoldo Hax and offers condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.

Please right click the link below for an MIT News Story that captures Arnoldo's life and work:



Arnoldo Hax honored for book


"Corporate Strategy: The Core Concepts."

Hax, Arnoldo and Nicolas Majluf. In Strategische Unternehmungsplanung - Strategische Unternehmungsführung, 73-81. Berlin, Germany: 2006.

"Overcome the Dangers of Commoditization."

Hax, Arnoldo. Strategic Financw, July 2005.

El Proyecto Delta: Estrategias para Hacer más Rentables las Empresas en el Mundo de Hoy.

Hax, Arnoldo, Dean L. Wilde and Nicolas Majluf. Cali, Columbia: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2003.

"El Modelo Delta: Un Nuevo Marco Conceptual Para la Nueva Economia."

Hax, Arnoldo and Dean Wilde. In Nuevas Clavesv Apra La Direccion Estrategia, Barcelona, Spain: Ariel Publishing, 2002.

"Achieving the Potentials of Your Organization - How to Overcome the Dangers of Commoditization."

Arnoldo Hax.

"Das Delta-Model: Ein Neuer Bezugrahmen für die 'Networked' Economy."

Hax, Arnoldo and Dean Wilde. In E. Business nach der Web-Euphorie: Strategien und Konzepte für die Real Economy, Landsbert am Lech, Germany: Verlag Moderne Industrie, 2001.

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Ideas Made to Matter

The Delta Model: How Arnoldo Hax reprioritized corporate strategy

The late MIT Sloan professor’s novel approach to customer bonding is still used in corporate strategies today.

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