Centers & Initiatives
Positioned at the intersection of technology and management, MIT Sloan is a meeting place for the leading thinkers and researchers who are pursuing solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. The school’s centers and initiatives provide a collaborative environment for faculty, students, private sector partners, and public policy experts to work together to seek answers and make discoveries that will advance management practice and improve the world.
MIT Applied Cooperation Initiative Welcome to the MIT Applied Cooperation Initiative
Behavioral Research Lab MIT Behavioral Research Lab
CCI MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
MIT CEEPR MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
MIT CISR MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research
Climate Policy Center About the MIT Climate Policy Center
CFI Consumer Finance Initiative
Cryptoeconomics Lab Welcome to the MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab
Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan
Food Supply Chain Analytics and Sensing Initiative About FSAS
MIT GCFP Welcome to the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy
MIT Sloan Health Systems Initiative Health Systems Initiative
IDE MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
Institute for Work and Employment Research About IWER
MIT LFE MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering
MIT Leadership Center Our Impact
Center for Development & Entrepreneurship at MIT Welcome
MIT Operations Research Center MIT ORC
MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative Systems thinking for a sustainable future.
Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship at MIT