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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program

Has the Pandemic Made Businesses More Resilient?

For companies to thrive in the post-COVID future, they must learn to be omnidirectional, Yossi Sheffi says in his new book “The New (Ab)normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond COVID-19.”

Apr 23, 2021
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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program

MIT Solve: Can Technology Counteract Racism?

MIT Solve has just announced its 2021 challenges—an open invitation to the entire world of innovators to propose workable solutions to global problems. The challenges fall into five categories: antiracist technology, digital inclusion, equitable classrooms, health security, and resilient ecosystems

Apr 23, 2021
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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program

What Happens When Good Jobs Go Bad

In their new book "Overload: How Good Jobs Went Bad and What We Can Do About It," MIT Sloan professor of work and organization studies Erin L. Kelly and her coauthor, University of Minnesota sociology professor Phyllis Moen, tell a story of employees on a relentless treadmill.

Apr 23, 2021
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MBA Diversity

Confidence in Community


Community is everything for Johana Muriel Grajales, MBA ’22. Originally from Colombia, with a background in the nonprofit sector, Johana came to MIT Sloan looking to find a community that would support her ultimate goal of being a more impactful leader.

Apr 23, 2021
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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program Leadership

An Edupreneur’s Path to MIT Sloan


An “edupreneur” with more than 13 years of experience, Prashant Tibrewal, SFMBA '21, looked to MIT Sloan to hone his skills and network in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, and futuristic innovation.

Apr 22, 2021
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Going Back to G-Lab


Barbara Granek, MBA ’12, founder and CEO of Fishtag, believes students who participate in Action Learning at MIT Sloan presume they will gain valuable, relevant business experience. They often do. But the lab courses also afford them a unique opportunity for advancement.

Jan 22, 2021
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MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program

Have We Entered the Era of the Activist Scientist?


The name Angela Davis has been synonymous with radical activism since the 60s. In the intervening years, Davis has channeled those efforts for change into an equally impactful academic career. Now 76, she is a professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz and the author of several in...

Feb 5, 2021
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