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311 - 320 out of 765
Alumni Sustainability

Making the Next Generation of Manufacturing


How do you make and sell products that lead to business profitability—without further damaging the environment? Janelle Heslop, LGO ’19, didn’t just tackle this in her graduate thesis at MIT. She’s planning on making a career out of it. 

Apr 5, 2022
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Alumni Social Media

Misinformation Research in Latin America


Rand’s research focuses primarily on understanding online COVID-19 misinformation and the psychology behind it, as well as working to increase human cooperation.

Apr 12, 2022
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Alumni Entrepreneurship

A Bra for Heart Disease


Bloomer Tech designed a washable bra that uses flexible and washable circuits to continuously read metrics like their ECG, respiration, heart rate, and more.

May 13, 2022
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Alumni Finance

Fixing the Biotech “Valley of Death”


Lo focuses on the “valley of death,” where promising, and potentially transformative, ideas are left to languish due to a lack of capital to sustain their growth and development

May 13, 2022
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Alumni Sustainability

Simulations to Predict Climate Change


Created with Climate Interactive, a nonprofit think tank, En-ROADS shows which policies will have the most effective and decisive impact on global warming and the climate crisis.

May 13, 2022
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Alumni Food Safety

Building Better, More Transparent Supply Chains


Building Better, More Transparent Supply Chain. Because of significant global supply chain delays over the past few years, consumers have a greater awareness of how goods reach them and the impact on the climate.

May 13, 2022
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