Operations Research and Statistics


The Operations Research and Statistics Faculty are involved with all MIT Sloan education programs, other research programs, labs, and centers across disciplines at MIT. Operation Research and Statistics Faculty are most notably involved with the MIT Operations Research Center.

The Operations Research and Statistics Faculty have won numerous awards, such as Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE), National Science Foundation CAREER award, Lanchester Prize, INFORMS Koopman Prize, Glover-Klingman Prize, INFORMS President Award, INFORMS Expository Writing Award, Farkas Prize from INFORMS Optimization Society, INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Society Best Paper Award, INFORMS Computing Society Prize, Erlang Prize from INFORMS Applied Probability Society, INFORMS Applied Probability Society Best Publication Award, and the Jamieson Prize for Excellence in Teaching

For information about Faculty openings in the Operations Research and Statistics Group, please follow this link.


Arnold I. Barnett

Arnold I. Barnett

Management Science

George Eastman Professor of Management Science

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Dimitris Bertsimas

Dimitris Bertsimas

Management Science

Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

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Robert M. Freund

Robert M. Freund

Management Science

Theresa Seley Professor in Management Science

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David D. Gamarnik

David D. Gamarnik

Management Science

Nanyang Technological University Professor of Operations Research

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Swati Gupta

Swati Gupta

Management Science

Associate Professor, Operations Research and Statistics

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Alexandre Jacquillat

Alexandre Jacquillat

Management Science

Class of 1942 Career Development Professor; Associate Professor, Operations Research and Statistics

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Haihao (Sean) Lu

Haihao (Sean) Lu

Management Science

Assistant Professor, Operations Research and Statistics

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Thomas Magnanti

Thomas Magnanti

Management Science

Institute Professor

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Rahul Mazumder

Rahul Mazumder

Management Science

Nanyang Technological University Associate Professor of Operations Research and Statistics

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James B. Orlin

James B. Orlin

Management Science

E. Pennell Brooks (1917) Professor in Management

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Georgia Perakis

Georgia Perakis

Management Science

John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management

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Chara Podimata

Chara Podimata

Management Science

Assistant Professor, Operations Research and Statistics

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Andy Sun

Andy Sun

Management Science

Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor in Electric Power Systems

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Roy E. Welsch

Roy E. Welsch

Management Science

Eastman Kodak Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

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Gordon Kaufman

Gordon Kaufman

Management Science

Morris A. Adelman Professor of Management, Emeritus

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Rama Ramakrishnan

Rama Ramakrishnan

Management Science

Professor of the Practice, AI/ML

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