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Ideas Made to Matter

Thirteen to follow: MIT social media

Welcome to MIT Sloan! Here are a few of our favorite social media handles around MIT.


@MITSloan: The go-to for news, events, and ideas from MIT Sloan.

@techreview:  “…intelligence to understand a world shaped by technology.”

@MITSloanWomen: One of MIT Sloan’s most popular student groups promotes ideas and discussion on gender and diversity in the business world.

  MIT Sloan faculty list: MIT Sloan faculty members on Twitter.


MIT Sloan: News and photos of anything and everything MIT Sloan.

MIT: Everything MIT, with an emphasis on new technology and faculty research.



@mitsloan: FOMO-inducing live catalog of student life and international travel.


@mitstudents: Every week a different MIT student is handed the keys.


MIT Sloan: News and opinion with an emphasis on practical advice from MIT Sloan faculty.


MIT Sloan student blogs: Daily life on campus, with extra posts and photos during overseas trips and treks.

Slice of MIT: Tracking exciting alumni worldwide.


Only at MIT: Aggregates the most MIT of MIT from across the web and social media. Accepts submissions.


MITstudents: Friend mitstudents for spotlights on individual students and groups, event stories, and other random MIT occurrences.

For more info Zach Church Editorial & Digital Media Director (617) 324-0804