

The MIT Sloan Marketing Group faculty is engaged in award-winning research projects that cross disciplinary lines and explore new concepts, ideas, and methods. For example, Drazen Prelec is studying MRI scans of the brain to learn more about consumer decision-making. Catherine Tucker is exploring how the ability of firms to use digital data to personalize, socialize and target marketing affects marketing outcomes and internet policy. Renée Gosline is conducting experiments on the benefits and risks that technology (social media, wearables, imitative clones), present for social structure and consumer behavior. John Hauser and Glen Urban are exploring ways to “morph” websites and banner advertising to match consumers’ cognitive styles. Juanjuan Zhang has developed a new means to understand consumer learning.  Duncan Simester and Birger Wernerfelt are exploring marketing strategy. Sinan Aral is exploring the causal influences of social media.


Sinan Aral

Sinan Aral

Management Science

David Austin Professor of Management

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Rahul Bhui

Rahul Bhui

Management Science

Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor

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Sharmila C. Chatterjee

Sharmila C. Chatterjee

Management Science

Academic Head, Enterprise Management Certificate; Senior Lecturer, Marketing

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Dean Eckles

Dean Eckles

Management Science

Associate Professor, Marketing

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Renee Richardson Gosline

Renee Richardson Gosline

Management Science

Senior Lecturer

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John R. Hauser

John R. Hauser

Management Science

Kirin Professor of Marketing

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Drazen Prelec

Drazen Prelec

Economics|Brain & Cognitive Sciences

Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

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David G. Rand

David G. Rand

Brain & Cognitive Sciences

Erwin H. Schell Professor

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David C. Schmittlein

David C. Schmittlein

Management Science

Professor of Marketing; Former Dean (2007-2024)

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Duncan Simester

Duncan Simester

Management Science

NTU Professor of Marketing

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Catherine Tucker

Catherine Tucker

Management Science

Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management

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Juanjuan Zhang

Juanjuan Zhang

Management Science

John D. C. Little Professor of Marketing

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Emeritus Faculty

John D.C. Little

John D.C. Little

Management Science

Institute Professor, Emeritus

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Glen Urban

Glen Urban

Management Science

MIT Sloan School Dean, Emeritus

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Kwabena Donkor

Kwabena Donkor

Management Science

MLK Visiting Professor

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Research Centers 

Research centers at MIT and MIT Sloan provide a venue for faculty and students to come together to pursue solutions to some of the world’s most significant challenges and explore some of the most pressing questions in business and society today. Through collaboration with other top researchers and business leaders, MIT Sloan faculty and students produce work that has a powerful impact on leading organizations and on everyday life.

Faculty in the Marketing Group are affiliated with the following research centers at MIT: