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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Visiting CFP scholar Tanyeri explores public bank performance


Başak Tanyeri, an Assistant Professor of Finance at Bilkent University, visited the CFP this summer to pursue a new research project evaluating the performance of public banks. Using a large and newly available [...]

Sep 10, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Winners of SIFI Contest Announced


Today the MIT CFP announced the winners of its first crowd-sourced contest, “What is a Systemically Important Financial Institution?” A collaboration between the MIT Center for Finance and Policy and the Harvard Crowd Innovation Laboratory, the contest was launched to generate new proposals to speci...

Mar 8, 2016
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

New GCFP research showcases reverse mortgage market’s potential and challenges


Reverse mortgages are a financial innovation designed to help retirees free up the savings tied up in home equity without being forced to move. Access to those funds can make a big difference in the quality of life for house-rich, cash-poor, retirees. Yet the product has been slow to catch on. A new...

Aug 1, 2016
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

A Conversation with Barney Frank on November 5th


MIT Center for Finance and Policy invites you to a conversation with Barney Frank, former Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and key architect of the Dodd-Frank Act.

Sep 22, 2015
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