Applied Economics


Members of the faculty in the MIT Sloan Applied Economics Group are exploring vital economic issues through leading-edge research like The Billion Prices Project, which uses prices collected daily from hundreds of online retailers around the world to conduct economic research. We also participate in interdisciplinary, cross-university initiatives like The E2e Project, which brings together economic and energy experts to understand the energy efficiency gap.

In the classroom, faculty delve deep into subjects including economic analysis for business decisions, international and applied macroeconomics, health economics, game theory for strategic advantage, big data and metrics for managers and, soon, the business of the poor. Please see the course catalog for additional information.


Charles Angelucci

Charles Angelucci

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor

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Alessandro Bonatti

Alessandro Bonatti

Economics, Finance and Accounting

John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor

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Mert Demirer

Mert Demirer

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Ford Foundation International Career Development Assistant Professor

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Joseph Doyle

Joseph Doyle

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management

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Robert Gibbons

Robert Gibbons


Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management

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Namrata Kala

Namrata Kala

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Associate Professor, Applied Economics

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Christopher Knittel

Christopher Knittel

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Associate Dean for Climate and Sustainability

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Alexey Makarin

Alexey Makarin

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Mitsubishi Career Development Assistant Professor in International Management

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Ellen Muir

Ellen Muir

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Assistant Professor, Applied Economics

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Robert S. Pindyck

Robert S. Pindyck

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd Professor in Finance and Economics

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Roberto Rigobon

Roberto Rigobon

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management

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Tavneet Suri

Tavneet Suri

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics

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Ben Vatter

Ben Vatter

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Assistant Professor, Applied Economics

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Michael Whinston

Michael Whinston

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Sloan Fellows Professor of Management

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Catherine Wolfram

Catherine Wolfram

Economics, Finance and Accounting

William Barton Rogers Professor in Energy

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Ernst Rudolf Berndt

Ernst Rudolf Berndt

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Louis E. Seley Professor Emeritus in Applied Economics

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Bengt Holmstrom

Bengt Holmstrom


Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, Emeritus

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Henry Donnan Jacoby

Henry Donnan Jacoby

Economics, Finance and Accounting

William F. Pounds Professor of Management Emeritus

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Richard Schmalensee

Richard Schmalensee

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Howard W. Johnson Professor of Management, Emeritus

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Thomas Stoker

Thomas Stoker

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Gordon Y Billard Professor in Management and Economics, Emeritus

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Affiliated Faculty

Danielle Li

Danielle Li

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Professor, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

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Angelino Viceisza

Angelino Viceisza

Economics, Finance and Accounting

MLK Visiting Scholar

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