Power in multiple perspectives

We believe that actionable research is a fundamental part of discovering, implementing, and scaling innovations that can transform today’s health system. Our leadership team and Advisory Board bring a wide variety of professional experiences to HSI, supporting our researchers' efforts. Our researchers have deep expertise in multiple disciplines:

  • Economics, finance, and behavioral science
  • Operations research and analytics 
  • Work and organization studies

If you'd like to connect with any faculty member, please contact us, or click through to their full bio and contact information.

Economics, Finance, and Behavioral Science:

Economics, Finance, and Behavioral Science

Ernst Rudolf Berndt

Ernst Rudolf Berndt

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Louis E. Seley Professor Emeritus in Applied Economics

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Mert Demirer

Mert Demirer

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Ford Foundation International Career Development Assistant Professor

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Joseph Doyle

Joseph Doyle

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management

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Dean Eckles

Dean Eckles

Management Science

Associate Professor, Marketing

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Robert Gibbons

Robert Gibbons


Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management

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Danielle Li

Danielle Li

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Professor, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

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Tong Liu

Tong Liu

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Judy C. Lewent (1972) and Mark Shapiro Career Development Assistant Professor of Finance

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Andrew W. Lo

Andrew W. Lo

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor

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Alexey Makarin

Alexey Makarin

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Mitsubishi Career Development Assistant Professor in International Management

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Robert C. Pozen

Robert C. Pozen

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

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David G. Rand

David G. Rand

Brain & Cognitive Sciences

Erwin H. Schell Professor

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Catherine Tucker

Catherine Tucker

Management Science

Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management

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Ben Vatter

Ben Vatter

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Assistant Professor, Applied Economics

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Michael Whinston

Michael Whinston

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Sloan Fellows Professor of Management

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Operations Research and Analytics:

Operations research and analytics

Sinan Aral

Sinan Aral

Management Science

David Austin Professor of Management

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Dimitris Bertsimas

Dimitris Bertsimas

Management Science

Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

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Vivek F. Farias

Vivek F. Farias

Management Science

Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor

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Renee Richardson Gosline

Renee Richardson Gosline

Management Science

Senior Lecturer

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Jónas Oddur Jónasson

Jónas Oddur Jónasson

Management Science

Robert G. James Career Development Associate Professor in Operations Management

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Rahul Mazumder

Rahul Mazumder

Management Science

Nanyang Technological University Associate Professor of Operations Research and Statistics

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Georgia Perakis

Georgia Perakis

Management Science

John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management

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Anne Quaadgras

Anne Quaadgras

Management Science

Senior Lecturer, Operations Management

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Hazhir Rahmandad

Hazhir Rahmandad

Management Science

Schussel Family Professor of Management Science

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Anjali Sastry

Anjali Sastry

Open Learning, Res & Eng, J-WEL

Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management

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Steven Spear

Steven Spear

Management Science

Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics

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Nikos Trichakis

Nikos Trichakis

Management Science

J.C. Penney Professor of Management

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Roy E. Welsch

Roy E. Welsch

Management Science

Eastman Kodak Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

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Juanjuan Zhang

Juanjuan Zhang

Management Science

John D. C. Little Professor of Marketing

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Work and Organization Studies:

Work and Organization Studies

John S. Carroll

John S. Carroll

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus

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Zen Chu

Zen Chu

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

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Kate Kellogg

Kate Kellogg

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation

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Erin Kelly

Erin Kelly

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Sloan Distinguished Professor of Work and Organization Studies

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Eric Arthur von Hippel

Eric Arthur von Hippel

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management

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Contact HSI

100 Main Street, E62-471  
Cambridge, MA 02142

Our Team and Advisory Board